Where Am I?

Use the following table to see where I’ve stayed each night, how many miles I’ve walked each day, my daily average, and how many total miles I’ve hiked so far:

Here’s a visual of my daily mileage for the past 10 days:

19 thoughts on “Where Am I?

  1. Luke – did I not tell you’d average a ton more than whatever the 10-12 you were talking about initially! Keep kicking butt my man!

      • When is your exit date now given your quick progress? Will your last couple weeks be more leisurely? Your beard looks righteous! Please keep it forever and dress up as a wizard for halloween.

      • I’ll now probably finish in late July or early August. I think most people have to slow down in the Whites, so I don’t know if I’ll be going at a leisurely pace, but I probably won’t be doing 25 mile days at the end. I will have to think about my wizard costume. Can you provide the pointy hat?

  2. Happy Birthday, Luke! We are thinking of you, and hope you are having safe travels!!!
    Lots of Love,
    Aunt Judy and Uncle Mike

  3. My son Robert and I just missed you, Luke. We finished our section in Daleville on the evening of the 11th, then spent the 12th driving around SW Virginia. We stopped by the MRNRA HQ, drove to Damascus and dropped off our leftover food and fuel in the hostel hiker box, hung out at the outfitters for a while, ate lunch at Dot’s, and then went up to walk around Greyson Highlands in the afternoon. So close, and yet so far. Enjoy your hike!

  4. hey Lucas! I’m not sure if you remember me specifically. I’m one of the techs at redcross in aph. Remember Joann? lol. I’ve been following everything and I’m still impressed with you. Have fun, stay safe and i”ll hit you soon!!!! Oh, everyone says hi!!

    • Hi Joann! Of course I remember you and your smiley-face marker marks. Thanks for following along and posting a comment! I will definitely be back in DC this fall so I’ll be back in to see you and the rest of the gang soon. Say hi to everyone for me!

  5. Luke: I love your song I laughed so hard. You have a great voice, I don’t think you got it from your mom:) Thunder storms are rocking around here. looks like you got a taste of them as well. Glad all is going well. When school is out I hope to check where you are and see if I can hike with you for a day??? Maybe I can talk your mom into coming with me:)

    • I would love to have you (and Mom) join me when you’re on vacation! I can make up some new verses to that song and we can make all the other hikers cringe as we all sing it. I’m in my tent now as a huge thunderstorm is raging overhead. Unfortunately my tent leaks, so it could be a wet night if it rains all night long. Keep me posted on when you’d like to join me!

  6. Luke, Hard to believe it’s been a month from ATC HDQ meetup- Dude you are hauling! 500mi+ in that time. woah

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